البروتوكول الوطني الأول للإسعاف
اللجنة الوطنية لصياغة البرتوكول الأردني الأول للخدمات الطبية ما قبل المستشفى بتوجيه معالي وزير الصحة إلى أمين عام المجلس الصحي العالي لصياغة البروتوكول وبتشكيل اللجنة الوطنية من مختلف المؤسسات العاملة في مجال الإسعاف.
IMEC 2018
International medical emergency conference
The first Jordanian International Medical Emergencies Conference was held in 2018 under the patronage of her royal highness princess Muna Al Hussein in Amman, Jordan to make a distinguishing contribution towards responders during medical emergencies situations. The conference focused on conditions faced during emergencies through new practices, technologies, case presentations, studies and training workshops conducted by experts in the field.

Social Responsibilities

ITLS MOH trauma management and capacity building training

Public schools first aid training projects