Specialty Courses
Prehospital Trauma life Support - (PHTLS) (accredited from NAEMT)
16-hour course for EMTs, paramedics, nurses, physician assistants, physicians and other prehospital providers. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion, a wallet card recognizing them as PHTLS providers for 4 years, and 16 hours of CAPCE credit.
Covering life-saving interventions such as hemorrhage control and airway management, this course teaches critical trauma concepts, demonstrates skills, and walks students through potential patient scenarios.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support- (ACLS) (accredited from ASHI)
The American Safety & Health Institute Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ASHI ACLS™) program is a scenario (case-based) continuing education course intended for trained and skilled healthcare providers who either direct or participate in cardiopulmonary emergencies and resuscitation efforts.
Basic Life Support - (BLS) (accredit by AHA)
BLS is geared towards prehospital providers, like EMTs, paramedics, fire fighters, and in-facility hospital providers. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a course completion card, valid for two years. Please contact your employer to ensure that you are selecting the correct course.
Basic Life Support - (BLS) (accredit by ASHI)
BLS is geared towards prehospital providers, like EMTs, paramedics, fire fighters, and in-facility hospital providers. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a course completion card, valid for two years. Please contact your employer to ensure that you are selecting the correct course.
International Trauma Life Support - (ITLS) (accredited from ITLS)
ITLS courses give the student the knowledge and hands-on skills to take better care of trauma patients. ITLS stresses rapid assessment, appropriate intervention and identification of immediate life threats. The ITLS framework for rapid, appropriate and effective trauma care is a global standard that works in any situation.
ITLS courses combine classroom learning and hands-on skills stations. They also challenge the student with scenario assessment stations where you put your learning to work in simulated trauma situations. ITLS courses are designed, managed and delivered by course directors, coordinators and instructors experienced in EMS, pre-hospital care and the ITLS approach.
Primary Trauma Care Course - (PTC) (accredited from JPS)
The PTC course is a trauma management course that helps you organize much of what you already know about trauma. It aims on teaching you a framework that will help you not to forget something important when faced with a severely injured patient. PTC focuses on using the resources you have available – mostly your own knowledge and skills, your eyes, ears, hands and (most of all) your brain – to diagnose, assess and treat life-threatening complications of trauma.
The PTC system, like other trauma systems, consists of a primary survey/treat as you find phase,followed by systematic secondary survey, leading to definitive care.
First Aid Instructor Course - (FAI) (accredited from CPD UK)
The instructor course covers specific goals and performance requirements for the Primary Care, Secondary Care, and Care for Children and CPR & AED courses, along with instruction on how to structure learning, the requirements of performance-based training, and your role as the instructor in the learning environment. You also learn how to motivate students, evaluate student knowledge, present course content effectively, become proficient in developing students’ hands-on skills practice sessions, and are taught how to present an effective scenario-based learning experience.