About Us
About Jordan Paramedic Society and its Training Center
Jordan paramedic society (JPS) is a non-profit, non- government Jordanian organization founded in Amman,
Jordan in 2012 on the basis of serving, supporting, and motivating the surrounding community and humanity by
providing first aid trainings for professionals and all parts of the community. We have trained thousands of
individuals until now and provided different types of educational courses along with the first aid to schools,
companies, factories, health care professionals and all parts of the community.
With the ability to provide many services such as; Emergency Project management and response - EMT (emergency medical teams) - First Aid Kit - Caring Service - Events Cover
JPS Training center was established in 2014 to specialize capacity building preparedness for community and health professionals and EMS support by establishing accredited training courses with national and international accreditation like: Ministry Of Health (MOH) and the three Councils ( JNC JMC HHC ) - Continues Professional Development UK (CPD UK) - International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) -American Heart Association (AHA) - American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) - National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)- Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) - American Collage For Emergency Physicians (ACEP)- Health & Safety Institute (HSI) - American Community School (ACS) - Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE).